Wednesday, July 23, 2014




A few days after the Poson Poya Full Moon Day, 2014, fifteen low income earning families were chosen from the surrounding community of Ambuluwawa, to contribute household items to their families. This was organised and contributed by the committee members of the management committee of the Sri Subodha Yogasramaya. 

Pictured here is Most Ven. Wattegama Dhammawasa Nayaka Thero who is the President and the Chief Incumbent of the Retreat Centre, donating the items and delivering a Dhamma Sermon on the topic of “Four Ways of Kind Treatment (Satara Sangraha Wastu) and other guidelines taught by the Buddha for the benefit of householders to develop a happier life. The majority of the participants were Non Buddhists who listened and enjoyed the Sermon.

Four Ways of Kind Treatment -  (Guidelines for developing a happier life, from the Buddha) -  Satara Sangraha Wasthu

    1.   Generosity–relinquishment, hospitality, charity, connected to kindness and           compassion (Dana)
          2. Pleasant Speech -  gentle speech (priya wachana)
    3. Meaningful Lively Hood – well balanced life (arther chriyawa)
4.  Equality -  we are all one family of human beings (Samanathmathawa)

     "Generosity, kind words, beneficial help,
& consistency in the face of events,
in line with what’s appropriate in each case.
These bonds of fellowship [function] in the world
like the linchpin in a moving cart.”
- AN 4.32 (tr. Thanissaro Bhikkhu)


ANANA SUTTA – Four Kinds of Happiness

In the “Anana Sutta” the Buddha describes four types of happiness for a “householder partaking of sensuality.” (gihina kama –bogina).
The Buddha preached to Anathapindika, one of his most devoted lay disciples who founded for him the celebrated Jetavana monastery at Savatti, that a layman who leads an ordinary family life has four kinds of happiness. 

1.   The happiness of earning wealth by just and righteous means (atti suka).
2.   The happiness of using wealth liberally on family, friends and on meritorious deeds (bogga suka).
3.   Happiness of debtlessness, be free from debts (anana suka)
4.   The happiness of blamelessness, to live a faultless and pure life without committing evil in thought, word and deed.

Of these, the wise know that the happiness of blamelessness is by far greatest householder happiness.
The Buddha finally reminded Anathapindika that three of these kinds are economic and material. 

A man named Dighajanu approaches the Buddha and requested the Enlightened One to guide him along the path conducive to the happiness of layman in this world and hereafter. “We are lay people enjoying sensuality: living crowed with spouses and children; using Kasi fabrics and Sandalwood: wearing garlands, scents and creams: handing gold and silver. May the Blessed One teach the Dhamma for those like us, for our happiness and well-being in this life, for our happiness and well-being in lives to come?”

In response, the Buddha preached to him that there are a few things which are conducive to a man's happiness in this world.

1.   First – Productive efforts, he/she should be skilled, efficient, earnest and energetic in whatever profession he/she is engaged, and he/she should know it well (utthana-Sampada).
2.   Second, Protective efforts, he/she should protect his/her income which he/she has thus earned righteously. Regarding ones wealth in terms of possible theft or disaster with the sweat of his/her brow (arakkha-sampada)
3.   Third-he/she should have good friends (Kalyana-mitta) who are faithful, learned; virtuous, liberal and intelligent, who will help him/her along the right path away from evil.
4.   Fourth he/she should spend reasonably in proportion to his/her income, neither too much nor too little i.e. he/she should not hoard wealth avariciously, nor should he/she be extravagant - in other words he/she should live within his/her means. Abstaining from womanizing, drunkenness, gambling and evil friendships. (samajivikata). 

Thereafter the Buddha expounded the four virtues conducive to a layman's happiness in the next life: 

    1.   Faith- (Saddha); he/she should have faith and confidence in the fully enlightened Buddha with moral, spiritual and intellectual values.
    2. Virtue - (Sila); he/she should abstain from destroying and harming life, from stealing and cheating, from adultery, from falsehood intoxicating drinks and drugs.
3.Generosity- (Chaga): he/she should practice charity and alms. Generosity without attachment and craving for his/her wealth.
    4.   Wisdom (Panna); he/she should develop wisdom which leads to the complete destruction of suffering, to the realization of Nirvana. (Having insight into arising and passing of things).

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