Saturday, October 26, 2013



In the Satipattana Sutta the Buddha said: “There is only one way for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of dukka, for the final elimination of pain, grief and lamentation, for entering the noble path, for realising Nibbana, namely the four foundations of mindfulness.” To practice the purification process is necessary not only for our own peace of mind, for adding to the peace in the world, but also in order to be able to meditate.

Mindfulness of the body means that we know the movements of all parts, including our breath. As we watch ourselves, we will see that there is mind and body. The mind giving the orders, the body following suit. Mindfulness of the body extends to the other aspects of mindfulness as well. We can pay attention to the thought process. The thought s are mental formations as well as karma formations.  When we can become aware of the content of our thoughts, we will know whether it is wholesome or not (Non –greed, non-hatred and non-delusion). We can learn to drop any negative thinking and replace it. This is where our meditation training comes in, which is used for outer activities.

Mindfulness in Daily Life

The same procedure is used in daily life to let go of unwholesome thoughts. We substitute at that time with a wholesome thought, just as we substitute with the breath in meditation. Mindfulness needs to be used not only in our meditation practice, but also every time we move, feel or think in our daily life. While awake, mindfulness has to be our primary objective.
The mind needs to be kept in check and not allowed to run wild. Mindfulness is (sati) mostly linked with clear comprehension (sampajanna) of the right purpose or suitability of an action (is this action suitable under the circumstances?).

Mindfulness to Eliminate the Unwholesome Roots

Mindfulness coupled with wise attention (yonisomanasikara) is the attention accompanied by the three wholesome roots (generosity, loving kindness and wisdom). So that means you don’t pay attention to unwholesome roots instead let thoughts of relinquishing, loving kindness and wisdom dominate your thoughts. So paying attention to whatever you are doing at any time is not going to eliminate the unwholesome roots. We have to come to terms with ourselves, only then will the world make sense one day.  We find out what this mind and body are all about, and we will know the universe and its underlying truth.

By Ven. Nadimale Sudhamma 

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